The Social Challenge App

From extreme sports to crazy challenges, the Framble App is the evolution of betting with friends.

  Available in the App Store

Ready, Set... Bet

Grab your friends, family and co-workers and set up a wager. Join the social challenge app and get the chance to win real money by challenging your friends to anything, anywhere, anytime.


Framble is an easy way for you to challenge your friends. Choose how much you want to bet, pick a timeframe and invite friends to join your challenge. Then watch the fun unfold!


Validating the challenge is just as easy as setting it. Once you’ve completed the challenge, upload a photo or video doing the challenge and claim your reward.


Rewards on Framble are real money. The bigger the stake, the bigger the reward. If you win the challenge, you win the cash. Now that doesn't sound too bad does it?

Framble App Showcase

Available in the App Store

"I challenge you to..."

Framble is more than just another app. With a sleek and modern app design, you can challenge your friends with a few taps. Set the challenge and let the fun begin!

"I bet that..."

Start your adventure and play at any time, with anyone, anywhere, and know that you will have an equal chance of winning the challenge with or against others.

Fully Compliant & Regulated

Framble is in ownership of a verified gambling licence appointed by the Gambling Commission.

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